Online Room Booking System

As the world of work moves increasingly into the digital realm, businesses are in need of ways to help facilitate this change. From food delivery to real estate – this change can manifest in different ways for every different kind of business.

For the world of venue hire, this means having a robust framework of customer-facing systems. Perhaps the most important of these is the booking system. As remote working increasingly becomes the norm, online workspaces are more in demand than ever before. Having a booking system that is as flexible as the online rooms themselves is vitally important.

So what benefits can the installation of a reliable online booking system bring to your online venue business – and why is Hallmaster the best choice for you?

How will Hallmaster International help…

The Booking Officer:

  • Provides real time room availability
  • Receives 24/7 provisional bookings (these need to be confirmed by you)
  • Checks for and flags up double bookings
  • Can easily add and manage frequent customers and their bookings (and Invoices*)
  • Automated booking confirmations
  • Multiple administrator access to maintain hall management when an administrator is away
  • Simple and seamless website integration within your own website
  • Creates reports on the occupancy and booking trends within the venue
  • Environmentally friendly – Hallmaster International reduces the paper consumption of an average hall by 60%

The Event Organiser:

  • Is provided with their own account where they can view their own bookings (and Invoices*)
  • Is capable of making a Booking Request from the Hallmaster calendar (if enabled) This Booking Request is then immediately sent to the Booking Officer to be confirmed
  • Up to date availability, contact details and venue information of the event is displayed 24/7 (Only when set to Public)
  • Is able to hide events when they are set to Private
  • Is allowed to promote their own website or social media page

The Local Community

  • Public events are displayed via the Hallmaster International add ons such as the Calendar, Schedular and Agenda Screens. Each of these add ons can be seamlessly integrated into a community website.
  • This increased level of information on the community website enables a more vivid representation of the event, therefore reducing the volume of unnecessary calls to the Booking Officer.

Why use an online Booking System?

Online rooms by their very nature are flexible and adaptable spaces. No two businesses have the same kinds of needs, and a standard venue must be ready to adapt to whatever a particular event may need. Online rooms have the advantage of existing entirely in the digital world – meaning they can serve whatever purpose the user requires.

One client may book an online room for a morning session, featuring a large conference with many remote attendees. While at the same time another client may book the online room, but instead may ask for more of a presentation style space, with video tools and slideshow capabilities. These spaces must be flexible, and ready for anything.

So, too, should their booking system be.

Traditionally, a booking system may consist of a pen and paper diary or calendar, managed by one or more booking officers. These can, and often do, lead to dropped or double bookings, missing requirements, or general miscommunication.

With an online booking system comes efficiency and reliability. This comes from their simplicity of function. An online booking system keeps all the relevant information centralized, meaning no more lost bookings or missing information.

Customers can make their bookings without needing to communicate through different booking officers, and can confirm for themselves that everything is correctly booked and the relevant information has been saved.

This is the kind of service that customers expect in the digital era. Quite simply: if a customer is booking an online room, then an online booking system is an essential feature.

Why Hallmaster is the best choice for your venue

Now you know the benefits of implementing an online booking system for your online venue, the next step is finding the best option for your business. This is where Hallmaster comes in.

For over two decades, our team has been creating tailor-made online spaces and tools for businesses of all kinds. Using this knowledge and expertise, we have created Hallmaster – the industry-leading online booking service.

The secret to why Hallmaster is already being used by thousands of venues around the world? Our powerful combination of intelligent tools and their ease of use.

For customers, bookings can be made on the booking calendar, where vacant rooms, times, and dates can also be seen. This calendar can be customized and embedded directly on your venue’s webpage, meaning the entire booking process can be undertaken without your customer ever needing to leave your website.

For the venue admins, the dashboard allows a greater oversight of not only multiple rooms, but multiple venuesif you wish. From here, bookings can be viewed, customer information inspected, and invoices can be generated. You can even manage an entire social media promotional campaign from the dashboard. If you’d like to keep things simple and use fewer tools, that choice is yours. Hallmaster allows you to manage your venue the way you always have, but with increased efficiency and better results.

Having already transformed the booking systems of thousands of venues all across the globe, Hallmaster is ready to help your online room booking system get ready for the future of digital workflows.

Contact Hallmaster today!

Interested in learning more about how Hallmaster can help your online venue? Why not contact us today!

Our team of experts is on standby to answer any questions you may have. With our special personal demonstration service, a member of our team can give you a guided tour of Hallmaster’s features in a one-on-one online session.

With our 90 day free trial, you can put these tips into practice, and see exactly what Hallmaster can do for you and your online venue. Download today with no commitments necessary and full technical support included!