Village Hall Booking System

Hall Booking System - Perfect For Village Halls

Village halls play vital roles in many aspects of public life. Serving as exhibition spaces, meeting halls, or simply as places for public gatherings, village halls are by their very nature required to be flexible. This has been true forever and remains true in the twenty-first century.

With changing customer habits and evolving technologies, however, comes the need for these village halls to ensure that their systems and workflows stay up to date. To remain flexible and accessible – as all village halls often require to be – it is essential that they stay in step with these changes.

But how does switching your village hall’s booking system to a digital platform help with this – and why is Hallmaster by far the best choice for village halls?

How will Hallmaster International help…

The Booking Officer:

  • Provides real time room availability
  • Receives 24/7 provisional bookings (these need to be confirmed by you)
  • Checks for and flags up double bookings
  • Can easily add and manage frequent customers and their bookings (and Invoices*)
  • Automated booking confirmations
  • Multiple administrator access to maintain hall management when an administrator is away
  • Simple and seamless website integration within your own website
  • Creates reports on the occupancy and booking trends within the venue
  • Environmentally friendly – Hallmaster International reduces the paper consumption of an average hall by 60%

The Event Organiser:

  • Is provided with their own account where they can view their own bookings (and Invoices*)
  • Is capable of making a Booking Request from the Hallmaster calendar (if enabled) This Booking Request is then immediately sent to the Booking Officer to be confirmed
  • Up to date availability, contact details and venue information of the event is displayed 24/7 (Only when set to Public)
  • Is able to hide events when they are set to Private
  • Is allowed to promote their own website or social media page

The Local Community

  • Public events are displayed via the Hallmaster International add ons such as the Calendar, Schedular and Agenda Screens. Each of these add ons can be seamlessly integrated into a community website.
  • This increased level of information on the community website enables a more vivid representation of the event, therefore reducing the volume of unnecessary calls to the Booking Officer.

Online Booking Systems

It is true of many village halls that their booking systems have relied upon traditional methods for a long time. This can be anything from a pen and paper diary to a calendar. Often, these were managed by one or multiple booking officers, and often these were volunteers.

While they may have worked for many venues for many years, they often no longer serve their purpose and can lead to double or dropped bookings, lost information, and other problems. This is in part down to shifting customer habits, which now focus on online tools. Often, a visiting customer will expect to find their venue, look for available dates, and book their event, all online.

Quite simply, if a customer cannot do this with your venue, they will move on to the next venue in the search engine that does offer these features.

“So how can you make sure your village hall is ready to meet these customer expectations?”

One major way is by switching your booking system to an online platform. As your main customer-facing tool, your booking system is vital. While it can seem daunting to move this important system entirely online, it doesn’t have to be. This is where Hallmaster comes in.

Why Hallmaster is the best choice for Village Halls

At Hallmaster, we have used our more than twenty years of experience in creating online tools and spaces for businesses and developed the industry-leading booking software, Hallmaster.

The key to why thousands of venues are already using Hallmaster is simple. Our focus is on ease-of-use, and centralized information. But what does this mean?

For example, customers can view a venue’s calendar directly on the venue’s webpage. From here, they can find appropriate times and dates, and make their booking – all without ever leaving the venues page.

The venue admins can see the booking and all its relevant information, all from the admin dashboard. From here, multiple admins can control multiple venues if necessary. Keep the system as simple or as involved as you would like, with a suite of features including booking tools, invoice and receipt generators, and even social media promotional tools. Use as many or as few of these as you require.

The key is that all the information is available in real-time, to both customers and admins. If a booking is made or canceled, it is updated in the calendar at once. No more dropped or missing bookings, no more unhappy customers – and all with much less admin than ever before!

Contact Hallmaster today!

If you’d like to learn more about how Hallmaster can transform your village hall’s booking system, contact us today! Our team of experts is ready and waiting to answer any questions you may have.

Ask for our special demo service, and a member of the team will provide a one-to-one demonstration of Hallmaster over a video chat, going as in-depth as you’d like.

With our 90-day free trial, you can see exactly how Hallmlaster can help your hall! Simply download and you’re good to go. Full support included, and no commitments are needed!